Morna O’Neill

Professor, Department Chair
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century European Art
Phone: 336-758-3925
Office: Scales Fine Art Center 109
CV: link
Morna O’Neill‘s teaching and research address the conjunction of art, design, and politics in Britain in the long nineteenth century. She is the author of Walter Crane: The Arts and Crafts, Painting, and Politics (Yale University Press, 2011), which won the Historians of British Art Book Prize for Best Book before 1900, and Hugh Lane: The Art Market and the Art Museum, 1893-1915, published in 2018 by Yale. She is co-founder and co-editor (with Anne Nellis Richter and Melinda McCurdy) of “Home Subjects,” a digital humanities working group dedicated to the display of art in the private interior in Britain (
• Hugh Lane, Inventor of the Global Art Market (Yale University Press, 2018)
• “Colonial Nationalism and Closer Union: Hugh Lane in South Africa,” in The Art of Transculturation, 1770-1930, ed. Julie Codell (Ashgate, 2012), 243-259.
• “Decorative Politics and Direct Pictures: Hugh Lane and the Global Art Market, 1900-1915,” in The Rise of the Modern Art Market, ed. Anne Helmreich and Pamela Fletcher (University of Manchester Press, 2012), 174-194.
• Walter Crane: The Arts and Crafts, Painting, and Politics, 1875-1890, Yale University Press, 2010, 320 pages.
• “Introduction” and “A Political Theory of Decoration,” in The Edwardian Sense: Art, Design, and Performance in Britain, 1901-1910, ed. Morna O’Neill and Michael Hatt (Yale University Press, 2010), 1-11; 285-309.
• “Paintings from Nowhere: Walter Crane, Socialism, and the Aesthetic Interior,” in The Aesthetic Interior: Neo-Gothic, Aesthetic, Arts and Crafts, ed. Imogen Hart and Jason Edwards (Ashgate, 2010), 148-167.
• “Art and Labour’s Cause is One:” Walter Crane and Manchester, 1880-1915, exhibition catalogue, Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester, 2008, 141 pages.
• “Walter Crane’s Floral Fantasy: The Garden in Arts and Crafts Politics,” Garden History 36:2 (Winter 2008), 289-300.
• “Rhetorics of Display: Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau at Turin, 1902,” Journal of Design History 20/3 (Autumn 2007), 205-225.
• “Pandora’s Box: Walter Crane, ‘The Sphinx-Riddle,’ and the Politics of Decoration,” Victorian Literature and Culture 35/2 (Fall 2007), 309-326.
ART. 103. A History of Western Art
ART 273. Eighteenth-Century European Art: The Birth of the Modern World
ART 281. Nineteenth-Century European Art: From Enlightenment to Abstraction
ART 259. The History of Photography
ART 297 / ENT 312 Management in the Visual Arts
ART 394. Issues in Art History
ART 351. Topics in Gender and Art
ART 396m. The Art Museum and its Histories
FYS 100. Impressionism
FYS 100. Monuments and Masterpieces