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Steve Gyrsh

This fall one of our alumni started teaching at the University of Kansas-Lawrence. He has joined the faculty as Associate Professor of Sculpture. Gurysh majored in sculpture here at WFU and earned his BA in 2006. In his Honors exhibition in Hanes Art Gallery, called “Stems”, he created drawings using his own hair with beeswax on Plexiglas, backlit, and hung from the ceiling in a large circle.

Steve was born near Winston-Salem in Advance, NC. After his undergraduate studies at WFU, he received his MFA at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. His work relies heavily on collaboration and research in science, engineering, and environmental issues. It is often site-specific. Many of his projects have been exhibited in New York, Canada, and New Zealand. Last year his work was featured at StART Gallery in “No Shows”.
